VALE United - Counselling and Education - VALE Designs
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Relatives and organ donation

Værdig is the only organisation in Denmark that focuses on relatives during and after organ donation, and whose purpose is to improve the process and thereby make a worthy difference for future relatives. Værdig also supports parents who are relatives of children/young people who are struggling in life.

FREE service for families with life-threatened children

FamilieFOKUS is a FREE service for families with life-threatened children aged 0-18 years.

A FamilyFOKUS programme can support your family's well-being by:
• Strengthening communication and relationships in the family
• Becoming aware of the family's and each family member's resources
• Coping with grief and crisis reactions
• Managing everyday life, both practically and emotionally
• Navigating and collaborating with the public system and professionals around the child
• Creating space to talk about what is difficult

FamilieFOKUS is part of the Special Counselling Service at the Department of Communication and Disability under Region Midt, but is available to families throughout Denmark.

Handmade memory teddy bears

Anja is the owner of Soft Stitch and has developed a concept where you can send clothes from your child or a passed loved one and she will turn them into an adorable teddy bear/elephant or whatever you desire.
The teddy bears are handmade, they are not intended as toys, but as an opportunity to preserve a touching memory of a loved one ❤️❤️❤️

Proudly supporting the CDG world

The World CDG Organization (WCDGO) is the collective voice and network for people living with CDG.

CDG stands for Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation, which is a large group of rare inherited diseases that affect glycosylation. It affects cell function in most organ systems to varying degrees, so children will often show abnormalities in liver enzymes, digestion and absorption, glandular function (e.g. thyroid), blood coagulation and immunological function (susceptibility to infections).

WCDGO aims to change the world's understanding of CDG and advocate for those living with CDG to improve their lives and the lives of their families. They act by providing a strong unified voice to governments, researchers, clinicians and industry to advance research, diagnosis, treatment and services for CDG.

Driving disability inclusion in the workplace

HumanKind works with public and private organisations to normalize disability at work and empower all employees, by breaking down fear and misunderstanding through workshops, training and consultancy. They help organisations attract and retain diverse talent and create positive cultural change that drives productivity, profitability and innovation.

Please visit their website or email to learn more.

Agency exclusively representing people with disabilities

Kello Inclusive is a talent agency exclusively representing disabled, neurodiverse, and visibly different talent because the beauty of disabilities, diversities, and differences deserves to be represented fairly and fully.

A few years ago, after getting her disabled daughter involved in modeling, Katie MacMillan quickly discovered how unaccustomed the media & marketing world was to working with persons with disabilities and clearly saw the industry gap that existed for fair, tasteful, and professional representation of this underrepresented community.
Recognizing the importance of a world where the beauty of disability is represented fairly and fully, she founded Kello Inclusive - Canada's first fully inclusive, nationally incorporated, not-for-profit talent agency that represents, promotes, and advocates for disabled, neurodiverse, and visibly-different talent.

Helping a small community with special needs

Teach Rare began locally in the US by uniting their small community with the common goal of helping children succeed and develop.
Today they are joining forces with other communities with rare diseases and undiagnosed diseases. In addition, they support children with special needs.

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